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R for Roskilde, Shoes of Your Choice etc.

by Alison Knowles

Alison Knowles’ performance took place in the Viking Ship Hall of the Viking Ship Museum located on the edge of the waterfront. The close proximity to the ocean prompted Knowles to pipe the sound of the ocean into the performance space using a bucket and a microphone. The steady rhythm of the ocean became a backdrop to Alison Knowles’ reading from her work Natural Assemblages and the True Crow while her daughter Hannah Higgins was hanging objects on a frame and making a found art shadow show.

Alison Knowles also performed Bean Snow for Alison Knowles by Anne Tardos, A Bean Phonemicon for Alison Knowles by Jackson Mac Low, Gamelan Things by Philip Corner, and her own work Onion Skin Song.

R for Roskilde

In the performance, eight performers stand in a line before the audience. Each performer holding behind his/her back an object beginning with the letters in the word Roskilde. The objects are then shown to the audience and spoken about in the language of the country of the performance in the order of the letters in the word. In the case of Roskilde the word was spoken in Danish.

Shoes of Your Choice

The score invites a member of the audience to come forward to the microphone and describe a pair of shoes, the one he/she is wearing or another pair. He/she is encouraged to tell where he/she got them, the size, colour, why he/she likes them etc.

Alison Knowles read a text by Ann Nöel describing her shoes in detail, how she felt about them and where she bought them. Valborg Nørby (Gallery Sct. Agnes), Ben Vautier and Jackson Mac Low performed the score and described their shoes to the audience.

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Alison Knowles: The California Sandals
Recording of performance by Alison Knowles. Festival of Fantastics. The Viking Ship Hall. Roskilde 1985. Poem from More by Alison Knowles, published by Unpublished Edition, New York 1970